My research topics concern machine learning applications to health data, including:
- Natural Language Processing (personal health records, social networks, etc.)
- Image classification and object detection (i.e. microscopy)
- Other kind of data (spectrometry, biological data...)
I teach Computer Science and am manager of the master's program Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (MAIN) at Polytech Sorbonne.
Short bio
- Since January 2024: Director of Limics
- Since september 2017: Full professor at Sorbonne Université (formerly known as Université Pierre et Marie Curie — UPMC, Paris 6) and Limics; I'm teaching at Polytech Paris-Sorbonne.
- 2014: Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR*)
- 2007-2017: Assistant Professor at University Paris-Sud and LIMSI-CNRS, team ILES.
- 2006-2007: Postdoc, Xerox Research Center Europe, where I worked on temporal processing and semantic representation in texts.
- 2003-2006: PhD, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne (ENSM-SE), centre G2I, department RIM, team COCRI: Extraction et recherche d'information en langage naturel dans les documents semi-structurés (defended on September 27th, 2006).
- 2003: Master Thesis, Institut de Recherche de Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT), Team LiLac: Calcul des relations temporelles dans le discours (thesis)
- 2000-2002: Graduate engineering School in Computer Science, INSA de Toulouse
PhD supervision (current and past)
- Ariel Cohen (2024-), with Emmanuelle Kempf (APHP)
- Alaedine Benani (2024-), with Zoī and Emmanuel Messas (HEGP)
- Adam Remaki (2023-), with Christel Gérardin (Bichat Hospital)
- Marco Naguib (2022-), with Aurélie Névéol (LISN-CNRS, fka LIMSI)
- Manon Chossegros (2022-), with Daniel Stockholm (APHP, CRSA)
- Aniss Acherar (2020-2024), with Renaud Piarroux (APHP, Sorbonne Université)
- Nesrine Bannour (2020-2023), with Aurélie Névéol (LIMSI-CNRS) and Bastien Rance (APHP, Université de Paris)
- Noshine Mohammad (2020-2023), with Renaud Piarroux (APHP, Sorbonne Université)
- Emmanuelle Kempf (2021-2023), with Christel Daniel (APHP, Limics)
- Perceval Wajsbürt (2018-2021), with Christel Daniel (APHP, Limics)
- Chyrine Tahri (2020-2023), with Erdyn
- Swen Ribeiro (2016-2020), with Olivier Ferret (CEA-LIST)
- Tien-Duc Cao (2016-2019), with Ioana Manolescu (INRIA)
- Sergio Torres (2015-2019), with Pierre Chastang (UVSQ)
- Julien Tourille (2015-2018), with Aurélie Névéol (LIMSI-CNRS) and Olivier Ferret (CEA-LIST)
- Clément de Groc (2010-2013), with Syllabs
- Béatrice Arnulphy (2009-2012), with Anne Vilnat (LIMSI-CNRS)
Bulk resources
- Slides from my introductory lesson to Large Language Models for the Annual Meeting of the Doctoral School Pierre Louis of Public health in Saint-Malo (Feb. 2024)
- Slides from my seminar on how to use Large Language Models for resource curation (at Orphanet, Sept. 2024)
- Slides from my introductory lesson to NLP (in French) at the ETAL 2023 summer school in Marseille
- Slides from our tutorial on Computational Fact-Checking (a content management perspective) at VLDB in Rio (I. Manolescu).
- WP leader and scientic leader for Limics in the BPI-funded project PARTAGES, (call2024-2026)
- Co-PI of the RHU "AI-Triomph" (Artificial Intelligence – clinical TRIals Optimization for oncology with Multimodal PatHology). RHU (hospital-university research) are programs of excellence supported by by the French National Research Agency (ANR, 2023-2028).
- Coordinator of an action in the SN@SU project, a vast digital health training program at Sorbonne University (2023-2028)
- Scientific leader for Limics in the European project European Cancer Imaging Initiative (EUCAIM) (2023-2027)
- Scientific leader for Limics in the ANR project CDE.AI (2022-2028)
- Principal investigator of the Google Digital News Initiative project on interactive annotation and machine learning for data journalists (2017-1018)
- Principal investigator of the ANR project ASRAEL (2015-2020)
- Principal investigator (together with Ioana Manolescu, INRIA) of a Google Award for Computational Journalism (2015-2016)
- Scientific leader for LIMSI in the ANR project ContentCheck (2015-2020)
- Principal investigator of Digitéo project ASTRE (2013-2015)
- Scientific leader for LIMSI in the ANR project Contint Chronolines (2011-2014)
Besides, I participated in many other research projects as a team member.
- Since 2024: Director of Limics
- Since 2019: Head of the master's program "Applied Mathematics and Computer Science" (Mathématiques Appliquées et Informatique, MAIN) at Polytech Sorbonne
- Since 2018: Elected member of the "Conseil de l'École" (~ executive board) at Polytech Sorbonne
- Since 2021: Member of the Scientific Committee at "UFR d'Ingénierie", Faculty of Sciences, Sorbonne University
Former duties
At Limics:
- 2019-2023: Member of Limics executive board
At Sorbonne University:
- 2017-2019: Co-manager of the computer science teachings at Polytech-Sorbonne
At University Paris-Sud, I was:
- From 2009 to 2017: teaching manager (responsable pédagogique) of Licence 3 MIAGE at UFR de Sciences, Univ. Paris-Sud
- From 2012 to 2017: teaching manager (responsable pédagogique) for the speciality "computer science", in the 3rd year of Polytech Paris-Sud en apprentissage (apprenticeship)
- 2015-2017: Elected member of the "Conseil de Département d'Informatique de la faculté des sciences d'Orsay" (~ executive board of the Computer Science Department)
- 2014-2017: Elected member of the "Conseil de Gouvernance" (~ executive board) at Polytech Paris-Sud
- 2010-2017: Elected member of the "Commission Consultative de Spécialistes de l'Université (CCSU)" in Computer Science at Univ. Paris-Sud (chooses the scientific committees for new tenure positions, follows staff careers, etc.).
- 2014-2017: Elected member of the board of the "Commission Consultative de Spécialistes de l'Université (CCSU)" in Computer Science at Univ. Paris-Sud.
- 2015-2017: Ex-officio member of the "Conseil de Perfectionnement de la Licence d'Informatique" (~ educational board at bachelor's level)
- 2013-2017: Member of the "cellule informatique" at Polytech Paris-Sud (a small committee focused on IT issues in the school)
- 2008-2014: Member of the "Conseil de Laboratoire" (lab council) at LIMSI